Labor’s proposed tax changes explained

Last year, Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen announced Labor’s view on tax reform and Budget repair. The opposition Labor Party has proposed a number of significant changes to the current tax arrangements. 1. Negative gearing Negative gearing refers to a situation where...

Changes to Strata & Community Title Schemes

Strata Title Scheme A strata title scheme is a building, or a collection of buildings, where the property that each individual owns is called a lot (for example, an apartment, villa or townhouse) and all the owners share ownership of and responsibility for the common...

Beware of Division 7A Tax: Shareholder Payment or Benefit

A payment or other benefit provided by a private company to a shareholder or their associate can be treated as a dividend for income tax purposes under Division 7A even if the participants treat it as some other form of transaction such as a loan, advance, gift or...

Share transactions on ATO’s watch list

The ATO is now focusing on share data and  has further extended its data matching program. The ATO will use the information to identify taxpayers who have not properly reported the sale or transfer of shares as income or capital gains in their income tax returns. Over...

Do You Obtain Labour Services for your Client?

The Chief Commissioner has been auditing companies that provide labour hire services and issuing payroll tax assessments for their subcontracting arrangements. Head contractors or employment agents that obtain the services of subcontractors for their client may be...