by Quinns_News | Aug 15, 2018 | Blog
The cash sitting in your superannuation fund can be tempting, particularly if you are short of cash. But, the reality is there are very few ways you can take advantage of your superannuation once it has been contributed to the fund – even if you change your mind. The...
by Quinns_News | Aug 15, 2018 | Blog
Have you been appointed a trustee? Are you uncertain about taking a particular course of action on behalf of the beneficiaries or unitholders? Then you may wish to seek judicial advice from the Supreme Court of NSW. Judicial advice generally involves a determination...
by Quinns_News | Aug 15, 2018 | Blog
The Black Economy (also known as ‘Cash’ Economy) in Australia is a complex and growing economic and social problem. The Australian Bureau of Statistics estimated that the Black Economy in Australia could be as large as 1.5% of Australia’s GDP, or around $25...
by Quinns_News | Aug 8, 2018 | Blog
External Wall Cladding Cladding is a term which describes the material used to cover the external wall or roof of a building. Common materials used for cladding include weatherboard, lightweight panels (such as aluminium composite panels) polystyrene products and...
by Quinns_News | Aug 8, 2018 | Blog
Most employees can take unpaid leave to deal with family and domestic violence, following a Fair Work Commission decision. The Fair Work Commission has updated all industry and occupation awards to include a new clause about family and domestic violence leave. This...