Our Blog

What could happen if a person lies on their CV?

A former top Adelaide bureaucrat who lied on her CV to secure her lucrative South Australian Government position has been jailed for at least 12 months. Veronica Theriault, was chief information officer within the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) when she...

Gaming Machine Entitlements: Tax Relief Denied

In the recent case of Commissioner of Taxation v Sharpcan Pty Ltd, the High Court determined whether there was any tax relief available for expenditure incurred by the taxpayer in relation to gaming machine entitlements.  The defendant, Sharpcan was a corporate...

Unauthorised Building Works Need Council Approval

If you are building in NSW without planning approval or have differed from what has been approved, the chances that you will not be able to obtain an Occupation Certificate (OC) are high; and without one, your building activity is considered an offence under the...