Our Blog

GST Property Settlement Online Forms and Instructions

From 1 July 2018, purchasers of new residential premises or potential residential land are required to withhold and remit GST to the ATO. The new rules require purchasers to pay the GST amount on behalf of the vendors using online forms. GST Property Settlement Online...

What is a trade mark?

A trade mark is a way of legally protecting your brand, product or service from being used without your consent. Registration of a trade mark provides owners with the exclusive legal right to use, license and sell their intellectual asset. Put simply, a trade mark is...

Key Issues Affecting Trust Distributions

Some of the key issues associated with the distribution of trust income from a discretionary trust are listed as follows. However, it is important to be aware that this process will inevitably be different from one trust to another. This is because each trust presents...

Are you under the ATO’s audit microscope in 2018?

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and Federal Government have become concerned about the level of compliance in cash-based industries and there have been further developments in this area. In particular, the ATO and Federal Government have extended the taxable...

When can you take your super?

The cash sitting in your superannuation fund can be tempting, particularly if you are short of cash. But, the reality is there are very few ways you can take advantage of your superannuation once it has been contributed to the fund – even if you change your mind. The...

Trustee Safeguards

Have you been appointed a trustee? Are you uncertain about taking a particular course of action on behalf of the beneficiaries or unitholders? Then you may wish to seek judicial advice from the Supreme Court of NSW. Judicial advice generally involves a determination...

New Reporting Requirements for Cleaning and Courier Industries

The Black Economy (also known as ‘Cash’ Economy) in Australia is a complex and growing economic and social problem.  The  Australian  Bureau  of  Statistics  estimated  that  the  Black  Economy  in Australia could be as large as 1.5% of Australia’s GDP, or around $25...