Our Blog

ATO Debts: When are they due and payable?

With the recent increase in debt recovery efforts by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), many have resorted to negotiating payment arrangements. However, there are some downfalls to such arrangements. The recent decision of Smith v Bone [2015] FCA 389 highlighted...

Development Finance

Are you looking for a loan to finance your development? Finding the right loan can be a tough decision. When it comes to property development or any construction projects, the return on your investments (ROI) is important. How you finance your development can have a...

What is a Preliminary Agreement?

A preliminary agreement is entered into between parties with an intention of concluding a more comprehensive agreement at a later date. From a legal standpoint, there are only two types – those that are legally binding and others that are not. Many industries now use...

Trusts: Hidden Tax Implications when Purchasing Property

Are you looking to purchase a property in the name of your family trust? There are some tax implications if you are not careful. Prior to making any purchases in the name of your family trust you should find out the definition of the vesting date for your trust. This...

How Apps Can Improve your Business

There has been an increase in Australian businesses using mobile apps to improve efficiency and productivity of their workplace. There are numerous ways that apps could be used to improve your business. Businesses that have a large amount of employees working in...

5 Ways to Create the Best Work Environment

A major problem for many small business owners is having too much work and not enough time to complete it. Increasing productivity involves fine-tuning your time management skills, knowing where to place your focus and creating an environment best suited to your work...

Maximising your Property Tax Deductions

Recently the ATO increased focus on rental property deductions. You can claim expenses relating to your rental property but allowable deductions cannot be claimed in relation to a rental property unless the property is held for rental (genuinely available for rent) or...