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What are the key Rules of Property Investment?

Do you know the rules? Rule 1: Pay the right price for the property It sounds obvious but it is something that is often overlooked. It is usually considered one of the most crucial steps in achieving a successful investment. Ensuring that you pay the right price for...

Exchange Traded Funds grow by 7% in one month

What are Exchange Traded Funds? Exchange Traded Funds or ETFs, are an investment fund, similar to a managed fund, traded on the stock market, similar to stocks. Most ETFs track an index such as a stock index or a bond index. Whilst many investors have moved away from...

When is a director liable for Company debts?

A director can be liable for company debts in the following areas: Insolvent trading Insolvent trading occurs when a company incurs a debt that it is unable and fails to pay, at a time when a director knew, or should have known, that the company was insolvent....

Do You Have Safe Work Method Statements?

What is a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS)? A SWMS is a document which provides information that is required when undertaking High Risk Construction Work. High Risk Construction Work involves: work carried out in area with artificial extremes of temperature a risk of...

ATO to Strengthen Its Debt Recovery Efforts

The debt owed to the Australian Taxation Office (“ATO”) has ballooned to over $19.5 billion. Tax debt has increased by 10% as of June 2014, compared to the previous year’s figures. It seems that the Australian tax debt is growing at a much faster rate than the ATO’s...