What the 2014 Federal Budget Means For You

Joe Hockey told the people of Australia the 2014 Federal Budget was going to be tough and everyone would have to contribute to help return our economy to a generous surplus by 2024-25. Last night the Treasurer handed down the Coalition’s first budget saying, “The age...

Self Managed Super Fund Growth

At a recent presentation by the Assistant Commissioner, Superannuation in Melbourne he made the following comments in regards to the recent growth of SMSFs; “During the past four years the number of SMSFs has grown rapidly. As at the end of June 2013, there were just...

More ways to Pay

In the past it has been challenging for small businesses to offer easy ways for customers to pay without being out of pocket themselves. With the technological advancements today, faster and simpler payment methods are available which benefit both the customer and...

Small Business Dismissal Code

The small business fair dismissal code came into effect on 1 July 2009 and applies to employers with fewer than 15 employees. As an employer you need to abide by the rules set out in the fair dismissal code to avoid legal action. Here is all the information you need...