Probate – Is it always required?

The answer is no, not always. Much will depend on the nature and extent of the deceased’s assets. Where Probate has not been obtained, the estate is regarded as being administered ‘informally’. This may occur where organisations (such as banks) release funds and other...

What are the key Rules of Property Investment?

Do you know the rules? Rule 1: Pay the right price for the property It sounds obvious but it is something that is often overlooked. It is usually considered one of the most crucial steps in achieving a successful investment. Ensuring that you pay the right price for...

Exchange Traded Funds grow by 7% in one month

What are Exchange Traded Funds? Exchange Traded Funds or ETFs, are an investment fund, similar to a managed fund, traded on the stock market, similar to stocks. Most ETFs track an index such as a stock index or a bond index. Whilst many investors have moved away from...