by Quinns Blog | Jan 13, 2021 | Employment and Human Resources News, Newsletter Features
The new year is a good time to review your business, look over your goals and keep on track. In relation to employees, you should consider a refreshed approach to their management in the new year. We’ve outlined some steps to assist you below. Define your business’...
by Quinns Blog | Dec 16, 2020 | Blog, Employment and Human Resources News, Newsletter Features
Around this time each year, questions emerge regarding the Christmas and New Year period, such as ‘what are employee entitlements when working through the holiday period?’ In this article, we will examine how to direct employees to take leave, how annual leave works,...
by Quinns Blog | Dec 9, 2020 | Employment and Human Resources News, Newsletter Features
What are the Minimum Entitlements to Compassionate Leave? An employee (including a casual employee) is entitled to two days of compassionate leave to spend time with a member of their immediate family or household who has sustained a life-threatening illness or...
by Quinns Blog | Dec 2, 2020 | Employment and Human Resources News, Newsletter Features
An employee has been granted a ruling for unfair dismissal by the Fair Work Commission despite threatening to kill his manager; emphasising the importance of seeking an employee’s version of events. The Commission unveiled that in February 2019, a Foamex Group...
by Quinns Blog | Nov 25, 2020 | Employment and Human Resources News, Newsletter Features
A recent landmark case from the High Court has answered the question: ‘What is a ‘day’ of personal leave in the Fair Work Act 2009?’ The Court determined that a day of personal leave is calculated as one 26th of an employee’s ordinary hours of work each year....
by Quinns Blog | Nov 18, 2020 | Employment and Human Resources News, Newsletter Features
What you need to know about Personal Leave This week, we will delve into the topic of personal/carer’s leave and how it operates under Australian workplace law. What is Personal or Carer’s Leave? Personal/carer’s leave, compassionate leave and family and domestic...