by Quinns_News | Sep 4, 2013 | Newsletter Features
Whilst running your own business gives you the freedom to be your own boss and work your own hours, the ATO estimates that many find it difficult to meet their tax and superannuation obligations. The main reasons for this are because they lack time or resources, or...
by Quinns_News | Sep 4, 2013 | Newsletter Features
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is cracking down on businesses exploiting contractors for financial benefits, with many business owners potentially facing heavy penalties for engaging in ‘sham contracting.’ Sham contracting is when an employer tries to disguise...
by Quinns_News | Sep 4, 2013 | Newsletter Features
Public Relations (PR) is a field of marketing communications which concentrates on developing and maintaining a public image. Smart organisations have initiatives in place to encourage, maintain or restore their image in the public eye. In the past, creating a new PR...
by Quinns_News | Sep 4, 2013 | Newsletter Features
Instagram is a fun and quirky way to share your business with followers through a series of pictures. With over 100 million active users, Instagram, which has been acquired by Facebook, is an attractive platform for businesses to promote their services and products....
by Quinns_News | Sep 4, 2013 | Newsletter Features
What is a Statutory Demand? A Statutory demand is a powerful business debt collection tool served on a debtor company by a creditor. Commonly used by the Australian Taxation Office, Workers Compensation Insurers and trade suppliers, a Section 459 Statutory Demand...
by Quinns_News | Sep 4, 2013 | Newsletter Features
An executor is a person appointed by another in a Will to act in respect of the estate of the testator upon his or her death. The role of the executor is to manage the estate within the terms of the Will and protect the assets of the estate. In general terms, an...